.. include :: substitutions.txt .. index:: !Plugins .. _plugins: Plugins ================== |GC| is distributed with two plugins: #. **geocontent_content** plugin #. **geocontent_editors-xtd** plugin both plugins are not strictly necessary for the basic |GC| functionalities (:ref:`overview_maps`), but they offer additional features like: * :ref:`automatic_maps` (**geocontent_content**) * :ref:`tag_maps` (**geocontent_content**) * :ref:`mapeditor_button` (**geocontent_content**) * :ref:`front_end` editor button (**geocontent_editors-xtd**) .. _gc_plugin_manager: .. figure:: images/gc_plugin_manager.* The |J| plugin manager view with a filter activated on |GC| plugins. .. index:: Content plugin pair: Plugins; Content plugin .. _content_plugin: Content plugin -------------- This plugin is dedicated to :ref:`automatic_maps`, :ref:`tag_maps` and :ref:`mapeditor_button` generation. Automatic maps can be selectively enabled through a plugin configuration parameter. .. figure:: images/gc_plugin_content.* The configuration parameters of the content plugin. .. seealso:: :ref:`front_end_parameters` Content plugin configuration ............................ Content plugin can be configured with the following options: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|l|p{8cm}| .. include :: tables/gc_content_plugin_config.rst .. index:: Editor plugin pair: Plugins; Editor plugin .. _editor_plugin: Editor plugin -------------- This plugin adds a :ref:`mapeditor_button` button to the standard |J| article editor window. .. figure:: images/gc_plugin_editor.* The |GC| button at the bottom of the editor window.