.. include :: substitutions.txt .. index: ! Map types .. _map_types: |GC| Maps ========= This chapter describes the three ways you can place maps on your website pages using |GC| and how to configure them. For each map you can choose one of the available map types (map renderers): * :ref:`google_maps` * :ref:`openlayers_maps` * :ref:`olwidget_maps` (also based on |OL| but with more configuration options) .. see: :ref:`map_renderers` .. index: Overview maps pair: Map types; Overview maps .. _overview_maps: Overview maps ------------- Overview maps can show all your |GCIs| in a single map. They are generated directly from the |GC| component and for this reason they need a menu item of type "|GC| Overview". There are three kinds of Overview maps menu items: one for each :ref:`map_renderers`. Procedure ......... To add an overview map, you must create a new |J| menu item from |J| control panel (:menuselection:`Menu-->Name of your menu-->New`) and choose one of the |GC| menu types as menu type: .. figure :: images/gc_menu_type.* The |GC| menu type .. _overview_maps_config: Overview maps configuration ............................ All parameters are read by default from the :ref:`Global Configuration` but can also be overridden in the menu item's parameters tabs: .. image :: images/gc_menu_params.* Some configuration parameters can also be manually set in the query string, for example to set the default base layer you could load the page as `http://www.yoursite.com/?option=com_geocontent&default_base_layer=google.streets`, check :ref:`tag_maps_parameters` for a list of parameters accepted from the query string. For the detailed list of the different configuration parameters available for the :ref:`map_renderers`, please refer to :ref:`fe_configuration`. .. tip:: You can make an overview map your home page: just set it as "default" in |J| :menuselection:`Menu-->Main Menu`. .. index: Automatic maps pair: Map types; Automatic maps .. _automatic_maps: Automatic maps --------------- Automatic maps are generated directly by the :ref:`content_plugin` (which of course must be installed and enabled), the plugin must be configured to show automatic maps. Procedure ......... #. Install and publish :ref:`content_plugin` (if not done already) #. Configure the plugin to show automatic maps .. tip:: You can block the automatic map generation on selected articles by inserting in the article's body .. code-block:: bash {gcmapskip} .. _automatic_maps_configuration: Automatic maps configuration ............................. Configuration parameters of the automatic maps are taken directly from the component's :ref:`globalconfiguration`. .. index: Tag maps pair: Map types; Tag maps .. _tag_maps: Tag maps --------------- Tag maps are generated directly by the :ref:`content_plugin` (which must be installed and enabled) by substitution of a particular string that you can insert in the article body. The following string will be substituted with a |GC| map when encountered in the text. .. code-block:: bash {geocontent} Procedure ......... .. _tag_maps_configuration: Tag maps configuration .......................... Tag maps can be configured with Key-Value-Pairs parameters in the tag itself, not all parameters are available in tag maps, for a detailed list of parameters and their accepted values see :ref:`tag_maps_parameters`. To apply a configuration parameter to a tag you must use the following syntax: .. code-block:: bash {geocontent param_name=|value|} you can specify multiple parameters separating them with spaces: .. code-block:: bash {geocontent param1_name=|value| param2_name=|value|}