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GeoContent is distributed with two plugins:

  1. geocontent_content plugin
  2. geocontent_editors-xtd plugin

both plugins are not strictly necessary for the basic GeoContent functionalities (Overview maps), but they offer additional features like:


The Joomla! plugin manager view with a filter activated on GeoContent plugins.

Content plugin

This plugin is dedicated to Automatic maps and Tag maps generarion.

Automatic maps can be selectively enabled through a plugin configuration parameter.


The configuration parameters of the content plugin.

Content plugin configuration

Content plugin can be configured with the following options:

Label Name Notes
Automatic map automatic_map Define if the plugin will automatically add a map in all articles pages when the article has been georeferenced. If you choose no, the map will be added only when a page contains {geocontent} text.
Automatic zoom automatic_zoom Define if the plugin will automatically zoom the map to include the article’s items
Automatic center automatic_center Define if the plugin will automatically center the map to the article’s items
Enable in the front-page frontpage_enabled Define if the plugin will show maps in the front-page too
Zoom level for single points gmap_minzoom If automatic_zoom is on and the map contains a single point, this zoom level will be used
Map position for automatic maps display_position Position of the map in the article page in case Automatic map is Yes

Editor plugin

This plugin adds a GeoContent button to the standard Joomla! article editor window.


The GeoContent button at the bottom of the editor window.