.. include :: substitutions.txt .. _installation: Installation procedure ====================== |GC| distribution package contains several compressed files: the main component (file name starts with **com_geocontent**) and two optional but recommenden plugins (**plg_geocontent_editors-xtd** and **plg_geocontent_content**). Starting from version 3.2, |GC| distribution contains also a geocoding (address to latitude/longitude) module: **mod_geocontent_geocoding**. All these compressed |J| extension packages must be installed directly from the |J| control panel. .. figure :: images/gc_file_list.* List of files in a typical |GC| compressed distribution package. Prerequisites ------------- |GC| maps are based on Google Maps API. In order to use Google Map services you will need an API key from Google. The API key is different for every domain on the internet and you can obtain one for your website from ``_ .. warning:: *simplexml* PHP extension is required by |GC|, this extension is a standard extension and is normally installed by default. In a few rare cases, we've found this extension was missing, if in doubt, ask to your system administrator or ISP to install this extension. Installation ------------ All operations described in this section must be performed through |J| control panel, logged in as `administrator`. .. note:: xxx in the list below represents the version number. #. unzip the compressed package (**geocontent_xxx_unzip_me_first.zip**) on a temporary folder on your local computer #. install the component (**com_geocontent_xxx.zip**) using the standard |J| installation system: :menuselection:`Extensions-->Install/Uninstall-->Upload Package File-->Upload File & Install` #. install :ref:`content_plugin` (**plg_geocontent_content_xxx.zip**) using the standard |J| installation system: :menuselection:`Extensions-->Install/Uninstall-->Upload Package File-->Upload File & Install` #. install :ref:`editor_plugin` (**plg_geocontent_exitors-xtd_xxx.zip**) using the standard |J| installation system: :menuselection:`Extensions-->Install/Uninstall-->Upload Package File-->Upload File & Install` #. install :ref:`geocoding_module` (**mod_geocontent_geocoding_xxx.zip**) using the standard |J| installation system: :menuselection:`Extensions-->Install/Uninstall-->Upload Package File-->Upload File & Install` #. publish both plugins (**plg_geocontent_content_xxx.zip** and **plg_geocontent_exitors-xtd_xxx.zip**) through :menuselection:`Extensions-->Plugin Manager` (see :ref:`gc_plugin_manager`) #. open :menuselection:`Components-->GeoContent`, click on ''Parameters'' and fill in at least * Google API key * Map lat center: latitude of the map center, the values are in DD units (decimal degreees) * Map lon center: longitude of the map center, the values are in DD units (decimal degreees) #. create and configure at least one |GCL| (see: :ref:`gcl_admin`) #. add at least one |GCI| to the layer (see: :ref:`gci_admin`) #. add a |J| menu item of type |GC| as described in :ref:`overview_maps` .. tip:: You can easily obtain the latitude and longitude, using Google Maps Labs utilities, there are at least two of those that show lat/lon coordinates at the mouse position. .. warning: |GC| must be installed on a server which is reachable from the internet otherwise map will not work. In other words, installing on *localhost* will **not** work.